8 Gods in the Royal Palace

Statues of the Twelve Gods in the Royal Palace in Amsterdam

Roman and Sumerian names.


Timpanum with Neptune, City Goddess, and several mythological beings from Atlantis.

Quote from the novel:

During his search through the corridors of the Royal Palace, Bob makes another discovery: the gods form an arrangement, a kind of family setup. Right in the middle of the building, on the floor of the Citizen’s Hall, is the circle with the twelve astrological symbols for the twelve gods. In the right angles of the corridors the statues of the gods stand two by two, with their faces to the middle. They are an essential part of the system of the family arrangement of the gods. The architect purposefully positioned the gods of the primal forces of air, water, fire and earth in the corners of the palace. He must have known that images of the gods are not dead things of stone, but a kind of durankis, portals for god power. The ancient Greeks already knew that Zeus spoke through his statue. The statues must be activated in one way or another. Bob has no idea how to do that and trusts that Neptune will, as soon as he arrives.
Architect Jan Van Campen must have known that the palace had become a temple with it. Not a temple in worship of one God, but a temple in which the immense combined power of the twelve gods is used in honor and glory of Amsterdam. With that he has raised a middle finger towards the Spaniards, their church and the Inquisition. The palace is an ultimate sign of courage and self-confidence.

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